Estate Planning Attorneys That Fight For YouEstate plans provide clarity during uncertain times. We help clients think through issues and cater our estate planning packages to prepare for these difficult times.
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Key Takeaways:
What Not To Put Into A Living WillDid you know that many people sign Living Wills asking for the elimination of hydration and nutrition but desiring pain relief. Most do not know, and most attorneys don’t know nor advise their clients properly that if you withdrawal hydration then pain medications lose their effectiveness because you are dehydrated. When I advise my clients accordingly, they decide not to have hydration withdrawn. I presented this information in a seminar along with a medical doctor advising people of this danger.
Estate Planning & Second MarriagesMany families today are blended, that is they are on their second marriage but have children from a previous marriage they want to leave money or assets to upon their death. These concerns can be addressed in separate trusts or a marital trust such that access to your assets or income upon the remarriage of the surviving spouse ends with remarriage unless the parties execute a premarital agreement.
Assets + Your WillMany people have come to me with old wills to be redone and a list of their assets only to find out that they way they wanted some of their property to go would not happen via their will as assets held in an life insurance policy, IRA or brokerage account or bank account will only go the way that the beneficiary clause reads in those various asset agreements. If you want all your assets to go in accordance with the terms of your will you have to make sure that those assets, subject of an insurance policy, bank account, IRA, etc. direct it to your will/estate or modify the beneficiary clause to mirror your will.
Premarital AgreementsWhat is known as a Premarital or Pre-nuptial or Post-nuptial agreement does not guarantee that the stated desires therein will survive a legal challenge. These agreements are disfavored but the courts will enforce them if they strictly follow the directives of the statute. Wording is most important as is a full disclosure by both parties of their assets.